Check out my google scholar!

Nguyá»…n L.T., Freitag R. C., Alvarado E., Podschwit H., and Pulido-Chavez M. F. (2021). How would you like your smoke? Asset-based community readiness for wildfire and consequence flooding in the wildland-urban interface. Submitted. Journal of the American Planning Association.
Peer reviewed
Pulido-Chavez, M. F., Randolph, J. W. J., Zalman, C., Larios, L., Homyak, P. M., & Glassman, S. I. (2023). Rapid bacterial and fungal successional dynamics in first year after chaparral wildfire. Molecular Ecology. (PDF link)
Glassman, SI, James WJ Randolph, Sameer S Saroa, Joia K Capocchi, Kendra E Walters, M. Fabiola Pulido-Chavez, Loralee Larios. 2023. Prescribed versus wildfire impacts on exotic plants and soil microbes in California grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology. 185: 104795. (PDF link)
Pulido-Chavez, M. F., Alvarado, E., De Luca, T., Edmonds, R., S.I. Glassman. 2021. High severity wildfire reduces richness and alters composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi in low severity adapted ponderosa pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management. (PDF link)
Managements Reports
Nguyen, L., Pulido-Chavez, M. F., Podschwit, H., Freitag, B., Alvarado, E., 2018. Flood risk following wildland fires, a case study: Plain, Washington. Federal Emergency Management Agency. (PDF Link )
Kreye, J., Cronan, J., Ottmar, R., Restaino, J., Pulido-Chavez, M. F., 2016. Pre- and post-burn fuel characterization and tree mortality assessment for the Forest Resiliency Burning Pilot. Washington Dept. of Natural Resources. (PDF Link)