I'm a 4th year Ph.D. candidate at the University of California-Riverside in the Glassman Lab. My research focuses on understanding wildfire effects on the bacterial and fungal communities of the understudied California chaparral while understanding secondary successional dynamics.
As a first-generation DACA student, I support increasing diversity in higher education and in STEM.
Please check out my link for resources, which include resources for undocu and DACA students!
Together we are stronger!


2018 - Current
University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA
P.h.D. Candidate
Microbiology and Plant Pathology Department
P.I. Dr. Sydney I. Glassman
Study the secondary successional dynamics and functions of pyrophilous microbes after chaparral wildfires.
2015 - 2018
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Masters in Forest ecology
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
P.I. Dr. Ernesto Alvarado
Studied the effects of high-severity wildfire on the ectomycorrhizal communities of fire-adapted Ponderosa pine in four sites in Eastern Washington in a chronosequence that spanned 11 years.
Fresno State University, Fresno CA
B.S Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Peter Van De Water
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Fresno City College, Fresno CA
A.A. in general studies
General Studies
SACNAS Best Student Presentation Award-Microbiology section
UCR-Graduate Research Mentorship Program Award
Sonoma County Mycology Association-Charmoon Richardson Scholarship Klotz Memorial Fund-UC Riverside travel fund
Mycological Society of America: Graduate Fellowship
Career Mentoring for Underrepresented STEM Students for the Professoriate
Bureau of Land Management Joint Fire Science Program Graduate Innovation Grant
Mycological Society of America: Forest Fungal Ecology Research Award
Ford Foundation-Honorable Mention
Microbiology Award for Excellence in Mycology
Bureau of Land Management Joint Fire Science Program Graduate Innovation Grant
The Shipley-Skinner Reserve - Riverside County Endowment
Ford Foundation-Alternate (Honorable Mention)
8th International Fire Ecology and Mgmt. Congress: Registration Scholarship
Mycological Society of America: Best Graduate Poster PresentationMycological Society of America: Constantine J. Alexopoulos Travel Award
Klotz Memorial Fund-UC Riverside travel fund
Graduate Student Association Travel Grant
Ford Foundation-Honorable Mention
Illumina Pilot Study Grant: University of Washington
W&M Plummer Scholarship, California State University-Fresno